Wednesday 2 May 2012

Sarkozy wins!

There are 5 days to go until President Sarkozy's likely defeat to Francois Hollande. Sarkozy though is a fighter and, as The Times report today, "President Sarkozy stood before a crowd of tens of thousands by the Eiffel Tower yesterday and cast himself as defender of eternal France alongside a left-wing rival who would bring its downfall".

The rally will have been designed to portray Sarkozy as the defender of France and as a strong man with the Eiffel Tower standing proudly behind him. The aim to sow doubt in people's minds that Hollande is the right man to lead France at an uncertain time. His message though was undermined by Marine Le Pen's intervention urging her supporters to abstain and not to vote for Sarkozy. This though shouldn't detract from easily the most impressive photo opportunity - a truly iconic set of pictures - that resulted from Sarkozy's speech.

For images like those below, President Sarkozy wins the photo-op of the campaign award which will surely be some comfort if he is turfed out of the Elysee Palace.

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