Sunday 7 November 2010

Dear Jon, this is why we should all wear a poppy

Jon Snow, as he does every year, has managed to deflect attention away from the Royal British Legion's Poppy Appeal by refusing to wear a poppy while presenting the Channel Four News.

He has a right to choose whether or not he wears a poppy and give to the annual appeal. However, to me, in his position, he should set a good example and stick one on his lapel.

There are thousands of reasons why it is important to remember the sacrifices of our servicemen and women, with the current conflict in Afghanistan, sadly there are thousands more each year. Jon Snow looks self centred and arrogant. The exact opposite of the characteristics shown by our armed forces.

If you have any doubts, Jon, maybe you should listen to what these proud but humble soldiers have to say about the Poppy Appeal:


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