Sunday 19 December 2010

What kind of delusional fool is Gordon Brown?

Gordon Brown has broken his long silence since the election as he promotes his book, 'Beyond the Crash'. Despite failing to appear in the House of Commons since his defeat in the General Election (apart from one brief intervention), he has spent the weekend attacking the Government's economic plans.

In an article for the Mirror yesterday entitled 'Why Tory cuts condemn our children to a bleak, jobless future', he wrote:

"Let us agree that cutting education – writing off half a generation of young people – is immoral and an economic waste....

"First, we should keep the Future Jobs Programme and not scrap it, thereby keeping 50,000 young people off the streets. Second, the Educational Maintenance Allowances remain central to getting teenagers to stay on in education to get qualifications. Cutting now when unemployment is high is educational vandalism. Third, we should not be cutting universities and colleges but making sure they do a better job."

He then goes on to talk about areas he would like to see investment (he means public spending).
Brown is still fighting the last General Election - blindly assuming that Britain can afford to continue spending huge sums for years to come. This article seems an admission that he never wanted to be forced into considering cuts in spending during the election campaign. In Brown's world we would still be spending at unsustainable rates. This is backed up by rhetoric designed to create dividing lines with his opponents and, if necessary, false choices between 'right'  (Brown) and 'wrong' (anyone who disagrees with him).  

To communicate effectively politicians need to consistently deliver compelling arguments in order to get their policies heard. Crucially however, they need to be believable. Throughout his time as Chancellor and Prime Minister, Brown was always consistent which allowed him to win arguments despite not necessarily being right. With this article Brown has proven, once again, that he is delusional not believable.  

1 comment:

  1. He and his ilk are lucky not to be in the Tower awaiting execution for treason.


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